Burak Delier
Required Skills Workshop, view from "I slowly come to discover that it is more meaningful and subversive to engage in experimental investigations on art than carrying out some self-content, easily commoditized anarchist gestures.” Solo Show, 2011, Outlet Gallery Istanbul.
Required Skills, 2011
Required Skills workshop is based on the projection of a potential job application. If artists applied for a job in a company, what would be their chance of getting accepted? Departing from the type of “teammate” as contextualized by the business world, this fictional question aims to interrogate the ambivalent function of art in today’s society by pointing out the parallelism between work mode in the art milieu and the business world. What kind of knowledge can be revealed by comparing the art and business worlds in terms of created subjectivities? Who is the dream “teammate” of the business world? What is his relation to the “artist”? On which points do the subjectivities created by these two worlds coincide and on which points do they differ? What do these differences and similarities tell us about the position of art in today’s society, the potential it holds, the function it fulfills, and the changing worker-employee profile in the contemporary business world?
The Form
The application Form is designed to compare the cultural worker subjectivity and business world subjectivity. One hundred job applications are chosen arbitrarily to find out the most and the least wanted quality within the contemporary business world. The most wanted quality is “Communication Skills”, and its coefficient is 0,1486. The second is “University Graduation”, and its coefficient is 0,1270.
The artists chosen by the participants are evaluated according to these parameters during the workshop.