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Burak Delier

_Art Facts_meeting broadcasting from Sal
Art Facts, live board meeting broadcast from SALT Cinema, 2012

Art Facts, 2012

In Art Facts, supported by well-known research and consultancy company KONDA, I ran a survey on SALT, a multi-disciplinary art institution in Istanbul. The survey has been conducted in situ at SALT Gallery Beyoğlu with the audience and additionally, five in-depth interviews took place with people who is more closely related and interested to the institution. The survey was about various aspects of the relation between art institution and the audience: The feeling of the audience in the gallery, how financial structure behind what is seen is received (almost all the contemporary art institutions in Turkey supported by wealthy families or banks), the responsibility of the institution and its employees towards social, political, economical issues etc. Art Facts attempted to make transparent the evaluation process and consequent management/direction of the institution and emphasized that the institution is emerging through management of -sometimes conflicting- relations between various actors, interests and powers.

The survey is finalized by live broadcasting of the board meeting from SALT Cinema hall, where the results are presented and commented upon by Bekir Ağrdır, the expert from KONDA.

Art Facts should be considered along the lines of work, such as We Will Win Survey (2010) and TersYön Feasibility Research (2011), where I used ethnographic research methods as they are derived by market or public opinion research and consultancy companies to serve corporations, institutions and companies.             

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Art Facts, an interview, 2012
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Art Facts, questionnaire, 2012
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